
2023-08-23 起
每星期三 8:00-9:00 (Zoom 舉行)

Session #2, #5, #11
實體 & 晚餐供應 - 7pm (亦可網上 Zoom 參與)
永援聖母堂 Meeting Room, 299 Elgar Rd, Surrey Hills

報名表格 Register

報名已截止 Registration has ended

私隱說明:收集所得的資料僅用作處理此活動報名以及登記出席事宜。當參與彌撒或其他CCCM活動,團體之恆常私隱聲明將適用。 Privacy notice: Information collected by this form will only be used for managing attendance and check-in for this activity. If you attend mass or other CCCM activities, our usual Privacy Statement will apply.