Young Adults Group


青年組有一群活躍的年輕人組成,年齡從18歲到26歲。成員背景不同、性格各異,但目標一致; 以耶穌為榜樣,在生活當中互相扶持,認識自己,愛主愛人。


  • 祈禱晩會 (各成員在共融氣氛中歌唱、祈禱、聆聽、反思)
  • 信友團體生活(籌款活動、青年彌撒、禮儀後為教友提供茶水服務等等)
  • 外展活動(參與敎區青年聚會、義工服務及休閒社交活動)
  • 聖經分享 (學習、討論聖經,領受天主聖言)
  • 教理研習聚會 (從聆聽和討論中,在信仰中不斷成長)



歡迎聯絡我們青年組的委員 Sam Lam 和 Perpetua Cheuk。


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Who we are.

We are a group of like-minded young people who have a desire to seek God and bring others closer to His love by learning about the Catholic faith and practising the teachings of Jesus Christ. We seek to create a safe and loving environment for young people of all backgrounds and beliefs to be supported in their spiritual exploration.

What we do.

  • Regular gatherings and dinner
  • Bible sharing
  • Prayer and worship nights
  • Social outings
  • Community activities
  • Archdiocese youth events

When we meet?

Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month, 6:30pm to 10:30pm. Dinner included.

Find out more.

If you want to learn more about what we believe in, or just want to meet some fun people, get in touch with our youth leaders Sam and Perpetua: